
NOX Installation(Ubuntu 9.04)

노래하는아이 2009. 7. 11. 19:54

1. Distribution Specific Installation Notes

Compiling just the core apps requires the following packages:

apt-get install autoconf automake g++ libtool python python-twisted swig libboost1.35-dev libxerces-c2-dev 

libssl-dev make

Building all of the applications requires the following additional packages:

apt-get install libsqlite3-dev python-simplejson

To build the documentation you will need to install sphinx:

apt-get install python-sphinx

For those with all the proper dependencies installed (see below) NOX can be configured and built using standard autoconf procedure:

git clone git://

cd noxcore/


mkdir build/cd build/../configure --with-python=yes

make check

Once compiled, the nox_core binary will be built in the src/ directory.

Note that nox_core must be run from the src/ build directory, and that the build directory must not be moved to a different place in the file system.

You can verify that it has built properly by printing out the usage information:

cd src/
./nox_core -h

As a simple example, if you’ve compiled with Twisted try running packetdump using generated traffic:

cd src/
./nox_core -v -i pgen:10 packetdump

This should print out a description of ten identical packets, and then wait for you to terminate nox_core with ‘Ctrl-c’.